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IN CASE OF EMERGENCY (other than parents)





  • ATTENDANCE PERMISSION.  My child(ren) has/(have) my permission to participate in the Religious Education Programs of St. Gregory of Nyssa Parish, at St. Marcelline Campus located at 820 Springinsguth Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60193 from September 2024 through May 2025. It is understood that all reasonable precautions will be taken by those in charge to prevent injuries, but neither those in charge shall be held responsible in case of accident. I hereby release and indemnify St. Gregory of Nyssa Parish, Ms. Rosie Rosado, the staff, the volunteers, and the Catholic Bishop of Chicago, a corporation sole, from any and all liability arising from any claims of any kind or nature whatsoever from my child's participation in these programs. I understand that if my child violates any of the rules regarding possession or use of alcohol, or other drugs, or rules governing the religious education programs and use of the property, I will be held accountable for damages and called to arrange immediate transportation home for my child(ren). 
    I understand that my child should follow the calendar of sessions and lessons given by the Religious Education Office which only allows for 3 absences per school year. I agree that my child must complete the requirements of the parish Religious Education curriculum. 
    SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM - PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH.   Every year the Archdiocese of Chicago requires that children and youth in Religious Education Programs receive training on how to recognize and report abuse through a variety of training programs that are age-appropriate and research-based. (Benzinger's Family Life Program, Child Lures Prevention and Praesidium's Called to Protect. Please note D.A.R.E. is not considered a safe environment training program). Parents are invited to view the educational materials by making an appointment with the Religious Education Office.
    AUTHORIZATION FOR MINOR'S MEDICAL TREATMENT.   I grant permission for first aid to be given to my child(ren) by Ms. Rosie Rosado, Ms. Alicia Lozano and the volunteers as their judgment deems advisable, and to make the necessary referrals to qualified physicians for treatment of illness or accident of a more serious nature. I understand that I will be promptly notified in the event of any serious illness or accident and prior to any major surgery except when delay in communication would endanger life.  In case of a medical emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian of the participant. In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physicians selected by the adult staff to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and order injection, anesthesia or surgery, if deemed necessary for my child(ren). 
    PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO RELEASE.    I give permission to the staff of St. Gregory of Nyssa Parish to use photos/videos of my child(ren) in publications about Religious Education such as, but not limited to, the Sunday bulletin, e-newsletter, Parish Facebook, and website.
    TUITION AND PAYMENT.  I understand and agree:
    - All annual tuition payments will be processed via Give Central.
    - My payment options are: a) Submit one full annual tuition payment or b) Payment Plan (installments automatically deducted from my credit card or bank account.) 
    - The annual tuition for 2024-2025 includes a $100 non-refundable fee, in case of cancellation or withdrawal.
    CONFIRMATION.    By registering your child(ren) you have read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions of the program, which is required for your child to participate.

    Please type your full name in the box below. By typing your name, you are signing this registration and confirming that you have read and agree to all of the above statements.

Payment Information


* You will receive a confirmation email shortly after submitting your payment. If you do NOT receive it, your registration did NOT go through. (Please check your spam folder.)