Detailed Steps
How to Get Started
Call and/or email to ask for help if needed. We want you to
succeed. You can email
for help.
Re-watch this video. The link is included below.
EOY Giving Webinar
Use our Wiki or GC Guru for help. Everything I am discussing is
available via GC Guru by just typing your question into our AI
Use Engagement Cards with SmartQR in your Churches
- Link to Engagement Card Presentation:
- Copy and Save Presentation
- Pull up pew card that you'd like to use
- Edit text as you'd like for pew card
- Go to GiveCentral HomeScreen
Copy and replace your text number into YOUR PERSONAL
Copy and replace your ShortFormQR code into YOUR
Go to Events All. Go to your giving event for Christmas.
Copy and replace your Christmas QR code into YOUT
- Place your ENGAGEMENT CARDS in the church
Welcome your visitors and let everyone know about the pew
Send Personalized SmartCommunications via Email
SmartGive (This will send personalized communication to
anyone in your coummunity who has ever made a gift using
Go to Home Screen and Express set Up. Click on Smart Email
for Christmas--This template will be available on December
- Select the Template that you would like to use
- Review, edit, and save a template
Click on the "Recurring" button for parishioners who are
GiveCentral users but aren't signed up for Christmas. Select
"All". Click on Send Email
Click on the "Increase Giving" button for parishioners who
have given in the past. This allows them to consider
increasing their gift. Select "All". Click on Send Email
Go to Campaign History 48 hours later. Click resend to
unopened for both prior emails.
Smart Links (This will send an automated email to
everyone in your database with an active email who has
never made a gift using GiveCentral)
Go to New Communication Portal, then go to Create Custom
Download a file from your database with Email, First Name, Last
Name, and Mobile Phone. You can download a sample of this file
on the same page and fill out the coulmns.
See sample file -
- Once a file is created - save it on your computer
- Select a PGP
- Upload the file using the same page
- Go to create an email campaign,
- Start the campaign and select contacts
- Pick a template, edit, save, and select.
- Prepare email
- Schedule or Send an Email
Go to Campaign History 48 hours later. Click resend to unopened
for both prior emails.