The Called to Renew campaign and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have embarked on a historic effort to secure transformative gifts that will give our local church the ability to plan and design programs that proactively aid our parishes and Catholic ministries.

Called to Renew is a once in a generation campaign to renew the Church in southern California. Through this effort we will invest funds to address much needed deferred maintenance issues of parishes and schools, support priestly vocations, serve the vulnerable through the ministry to the sick and dying and those imprisoned, and invest in the education and faith-formation of future generations. To learn more click here.


Called to Renew is a multi-year campaign, therefore we ask you to consider a 5 year pledge. If you prefer to make a one-time gift please select the Pledge Payment option.

While we appreciate gifts of any amount, we cannot accept multi-year monthly pledges less than $600 ($10 per month) due to high costs of processing fees. If you would like to donate less, please use the One-Time Gift/Pledge Payment option above.

Make a new pledge or one-time gift/payment













Your Information

Payment Information

Next you can easily make your payment using the selected digital wallet.

If you seek assistance, please contact a Pledge Fulfillment Specialist, 213.637.7555, option #1.
Please allow up to 21 days for your gift to be processed and reflect on your pledge statement.Â