Foundations in Faith is committed to supporting and transforming pastoral ministries in the Diocese of Bridgeport by fostering a spirit of accompaniment and encounter in our Church, providing grants for innovators in our parishes, and funding key pastoral ministries ranging from Evangelization, Faith Formation, Vocations, Seminarians, Catholic and Special Education, support of our active and retired clergy, and beyond. We do this through eleven distinct pastoral care funds and four grant programs.
Our journey of discipleship includes funding our parishes, Diocesan ministries, Catholic Charities, and walking with those most vulnerable in our midst.
Thank you for your support, we are glad to be on this Journey with you!
To make a stock gift, Click Here or contact Kelly Weldon at (203) 416-1392 or email: .
The Catholic Charities of Fairfield County Fund provides funding for Catholic Charities of Fairfield County.
The Lourdes Fund for Pastoral Care in Nursing Homes brings resources to pastoral care teams in the three nursing homes previously owned by the Diocese of Bridgeport. The teams comprised of clergy, religious sisters, lay staff, and volunteers work daily to bring comfort and to meet the spiritual needs of its residents.
The Mini Grants Fund is our rapid-response fund and grant program available by invitation only, on a rolling basis to parishes and ministries of the Diocese of Bridgeport with innovative approaches or exceptional needs.
The St. Catherine Center for Special Needs Fund supports its namesake center which helps meet the emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of young people with disabilities whose needs cannot be met in a mainstream school setting. Students and young adults learn, grow, and develop life and work skills in a safe and nurturing environment.
The St. Charles Borromeo Fund for Seminarians and Vocations supports young men discerning and pursuing the call to the Catholic priesthood. Whether they plan to serve the Diocese of Bridgeport or as missionary priests once ordained, Foundations in Faith is committed to their priestly education and formation.
The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Fund for Catholic Education funds resources for Catholic school offsetting any impact on the cost of tuition. After the domestic Church, Catholic education is the most fertile ground for evangelization and faith formation.
The St. Francis Xavier Fund for Missionary Parishes alleviates the financial burden of select parishes that exhibit strong leadership, are pastorally vibrant, and reflect outstanding missionary outreach. The SFX Fund is committed to leveraging resources and promoting partnerships as a way to empower pastors so their focus can remain on tending and growing their congregations.
The St. John Bosco Fund for Special Needs in Catholic Schools helps make Catholic education accessible to students with disabilities and specialized educational needs and is crucial to the quality of Catholic education in the Diocese of Bridgeport.
The St. John Paul II Fund for Faith Formation aims to support all generations when it comes to learning about and growing in the Catholic faith. The fund is especially supportive of young people in their own initiatives and of parishes and Diocesan organization seeking to implement innovative approaches to faith formation.
The St. John Vianney Fund for Retired Priests provides for the needs of retired priests in the Diocese of Bridgeport, particularly residents of the Catherine Dennis Keefe Queen of Clergy Priests Retirement Residence in Stamford. The fund serves to thank and care for those who shepherded their flocks for many years, and to bring them peace and comfort in the final years of their lives.
The St. Therese Fund for Evangelization supports evangelization efforts and those bringing the Good News of Christ into daily interactions, reaching out to convert individuals and society with the Gospel.