Together, through the Catholic Ministry Appeal, we respond to the needs of our local communities and support Catholics throughout their lives. With your gift, you are nurturing spiritual life, embracing God’s call to serve and accompanying missionary disciples in the Diocese of St. Petersburg. 

In the spirit of faith and mission, please consider making a commitment to the 2023 Catholic Ministry Appeal for the Diocese of St. Petersburg.


Your Gift Supports

+ Catholic Schools

+ Marriage and Family Life

+ Catholic Charities

+ Priest Retirement and Clergy Care

+ Faith Formation

+ Worship and Liturgical Celebrations

+ Seminarian Education and more!


Yes, I will make a gift to the 2023 Catholic Ministry Appeal!











Pledges to the 2023 Catholic Ministry Appeal must be completed on or before December 31, 2023. Any payments scheduled after that time will be cancelled.

Your Information

Payment Information

Next you can easily make your payment using the selected digital wallet.

If you have any questions about your pledge or donation, please contact the Campaign Office of the Diocese of St. Petersburg at 727-341-6841.