I appreciate your interest in prayerful support of the Vocation Office for the Diocese of Wilmington.


General Donations will be used for Vocation Awareness Programming and to support our Seminarians.


Many Seminarians have left jobs and houses to pursue their vocation.

They have not been dependent on their families for some time.


The diocese provides a monthly stipend, but they often need more assistance with technology,  insurance, and travel/transportation expenses.

If you would like to sponsor one of our seminarians, choose one from the dropdown options.


Your prayers, cards, and any financial support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to be anonymous; note that with your online gift.

Continue to pray for more vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life from our local church.

Make a Gift

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Next you can easily make your payment using the selected digital wallet.

If you have any questions regarding your donaction please contact Fr. Norm Carroll, Vocation Director at vocations@cdow.org or 302-573-3113