Haiti Education Support Team (HEST) Fund

Central Plateau - Haiti - 34,956 Students - 171 Schools - 1,341 Educators

Your contribution to Haiti Education Support Team (HEST) Fund pays towards the teacher salaries of the BDE (Bureau of Diocesan Education – Haiti), annual educational scholarships to those vulnerable young people living in Haiti who would otherwise be unable to attend secondary school or vocational training programs in Haiti, as well as the maintenance and fuel for the supervisor's motorcycles and car which enables them to deliver books and supplies to the schools across the central plateau of Haiti.  The way out of poverty is through education.  Help us to eradicate poverty by supporting education.

Hinche Support Fund

The Hinche Support Fund will allow the Bishop of Hinche, currently Bishop Desinord Jean, to meet the needs of all of his parishes and other entities within his Diocese. This includes supporting long-term sustainable projects that generate income and foster independence and empowerment for the people of Haiti. These funds can also be used to meet the more immediate needs of parishes who require greater assistance if they are without a twin. Additionally, the Hinche Support Fund will finance healthcare initiatives, including affordable access to medicine, medical supplies, and medical care. Proceeds from the Hinche Support Fund will enable the Bishop of Hinche and his commission in Haiti to determine their Diocese’s own goals and priorities, and then distribute the funds accordingly.

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Tina M Wandersee
Director of Social Ministry
Catholic Diocese of Richmond | Office of Social Ministry
7800 Carousel Lane | Richmond, VA 23294-4201
Office: 804-622-5180