National Religious Retirement Office

The National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) coordinates the annual national appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious and distributes financial assistance for retirement needs to eligible religious institutes. The National Religious Retirement Office and the Retirement Fund for Religious are sponsored by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, and United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  NRRO strives to support, educate and assist religious institutes in the United States to care for their elderly and frail members now and in the future. NRRO aims to:

  1. Raise funds for retired religious;
  2. Help religious institutes realistically assess their current retirement needs and implement planning;
  3. Educate religious institutes to allocate assets realistically;
  4. Develop educational tools, programs, services and resource materials that enable religious institutes to address retirement wisely.

Thank you for supporting this vital ministry for those Religious who have devoted their lives in love and service.

Retirement for Religious Special Collection

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If have any questions please contact Manny Aguilar, Director, Office for Stewardship, at 858-490-8294 or