University Catholic Center Chapel
The establishment of a permanent chapel at University Catholic Center will help meet the growing spiritual needs of students, faculty, and community members seeking a relationship with Christ..

4500 West Davis Street Project
The Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd would like to sell its land and physical assets to the Diocese of Dallas—an acquisition that would further advance the mission of the Catholic church and better serve its faithful. 

The National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Diocese of Dallas has made plans to restore the Cathedral Shrine and make it the spiritual centerpiece of our Catholic community and the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Mother Teresa Catholic School
This is an opportunity to expand the Diocese’s Catholic Schools efforts and provide access to Catholic education for families in Collin County.

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If you have questions about your gift, please do not hesitate to contact Kelly Halaszyn, Director of Development, Diocese of Dallas Office of Development 214-379-3178 (Direct).