Diocese of Wilmington
Eucharistic Congress


Bread of Life Sponsor - Eucharistic Congress Exclusive
Event Sponsor Exclusive Event Sponsors | $20,000.00

• Recognition of all promotional materials
• Prominent logo display on event promotions
• Prominent logo display on official web pages and marketing materials (1 year)
• Logo projection on exhibition screens throughout the event
• 15 guests passes
• Two invitations to VIP luncheon with Bishop (organizers and sponsors)
• Special acknowledgment during the opening ceremony
• Full-page ad in special pull-out section of the Dialog newspaper/event program.
• Recognition in any newsletter coverage, and radio/podcast coverage
• 8’ table, two chairs for business promotion, if desired

Chalice of Blessings Sponsor
Track sponsorship: Four available | $10,000.00
• Sponsorship recognition of educational track presentation
– mention during the presentation
• Logo display on the official website and marketing materials (1 year)
• Logo display on all event promotions as Chalice of Blessings sponsor
• Logo projection on exhibition screens throughout the event
• Eight guests passes to event
• Two invitations to VIP luncheon with Bishop Koenig
• Half Page ad in special pull-out section of Dialog newspaper/event program.

Wine of Redemption Sponsor
Unlimited | $5,000.00
• Logo inclusion on the official website (6 months) and marketing and event materials
• Company logo projected on main exhibition screens throughout the event
as a Wine of Redemption sponsor
• Quarter Page ad in special pull-out section of the Dialog newspaper/event program.
• 8’ table and two chairs for business promotion, if desired
• Four guest passes to the event
• Two invitations to a VIP luncheon with Bishop Koenig

Procession Sponsor Unlimited | $1,000.00
• Listing on the event website as Procession Sponsor (6 months)
• 8’ table and two chairs for promotion of business
• Two guest passes to the event
• Business Card sized ad in the Dialog newspaper/event program

Vendor | $500.00
• Includes an 8’ table and two chairs
• Listing on website

Individual Donors
Hosts of Harmony Supporter | $1,000.00
• Listed in the program as a supporter
• Commemorative program
• Admission for six guests
• Commemorative Eucharistic Congress Pin

Communion of Faith Friend | $500.00
• Listed in the program as Communion of Faith Friend
• Admission for four guests
• Commemorative Eucharistic Congress Pin

Tabernacle of Gratitude Donor | $250.00
• Listed in the program as Tabernacle of Gratitude Friend
• Admission for two guests

Sponsorships, Vendors, or Donations

Hosts of Harmony Supporter - $1,000.00

Hosts of Harmony Supporter - $1,000.00

Communion of Faith Friend - $500.00

Communion of Faith Friend - $500.00

Tabernacle of Gratitude Donor - $250.00

Tabernacle of Gratitude Donor - $250.00

Primary Information

Payment Information

If you have any questions regarding your donation, please contact:

Sheila O’Hagan McGirl, CFRE
Development Office
Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
P.O. Box 2030
Wilmington, DE 19899
Tel. 302.573.3121
Fax 302.573.6947