These donations will be used to replace the roof on the church building, to repair the inside of the church walls and paint them. If there are any left over funds, they will be dedicated to our capital campaign that pays down our mortgage debt of $1.5 million. Our goal is to raise $140,000, but this is only an estimate.
The roof is almost five years past the lifespan of the shingles, and the aggregate has dramatically begun to erode away. If one looks up at the roof from the parking lot, they will see gray and green roofing. Everywhere there is green is where the aggregate of the asphalt shingle has eroded away. Last year it was about 5%, after the heavy snowfall of last winter, it is now about 30-35% eroded away. Our roof has served us well, but it is time to replace it.
We will complete the roof immediately, and continue to raise funds to complete the interior repairs and painting. If you would like to contribute to this effort, your donations are very needed and very appreciated. You can make a one-time donation, or make your gift recurring for a set number of donations over time. Again thank you, and together we will get this done.