Weekly 50/50 Split the Pot

( Nativity of Our Lord and St. Gabriel Parish )

Weekly 50/50 Split the Pot

Nativity of Our Lord and St. Gabriel Parish

Rev. James F. Hurlbert, Pastor

Nativity of Our Lord and St. Gabriel Parish

Weekly 50/50 Split the Pot

Weekly 50/50 Split the Pot

Slpit the Pot Raffle

Slpit the Pot Raffle


To be eligible, both your 50-50 ($5.00) and weekly collection envelopes (no limit, but at least $5) with separate payments must be in the parish office by 9:00 a.m. each Monday.  

If you donate by check, you need to write two separate checks.  Again, your Split the Pot Envelope must be accompanied by your regular Sunday envelope, with the required minimum of $5, for a chance to win or two separate online transaction nust be made on GiveCentral both for at least $5 each).

 If you are away on a particular weekend, you may drop both envelopes off at the rectory in advance of the drawing or schedule two (payments) to auto post by Monday of that week. The pot can roll over.

The winner will be randomly drawn each Tuesday from the entire parish database.  Any Questions please call the rectory.  Thank you