Holy Apostles Vocations

( The Church of Holy Apostles )

Holy Apostles Vocations

The Church of Holy Apostles

The Church of Holy Apostles

The Church of Holy Apostles

Holy Apostles Vocations

Holy Apostles Vocations

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What is a vocation?

If you are looking for a simple definition of a vocation, the literal meaning of the word is a "call."

But a vocation is more than an ordinary call. A vocation is a call from God, and anyone who has felt God's call knows that the process is anything but simple. While most people think of a vocation as what they are called to do in life, it is important to understand that the first and most important call from God is a call to be - the universal call to holiness.

As Blessed Pope John Paul II wrote, "Love makes us seek what is good; love makes us better persons. It is love that prompts men and women to marry and form a family, to have children. It is love that prompts others to embrace the consecrated life or become priests." Each vocation challenges us to live our faith more deeply and to follow Christ more closely. Each vocation, if it is lived generously and faithfully, will then involve times of lasting happiness and reward but also suffering and sacrifice. Finally, it is important not to compare the value of different vocations but to appreciate the value of each one and to discover which one is right for you.