A message from Father Robert Pajor, Pastor
I am so proud of all the things that St. Gerald Parishioners have accomplished over the last few years. Some big projects like roofs, gym building or remodeling the front of the church are such great accomplishments. Great job everyone!
But our parish campus continues to need repairs and maintenance. Some of the most pressing issues include the following:
The parking lot was damaged by this last, quite severe winter. It needs to be resurfaced
We must replace the celling in the hallway outside Arnold Hall. Severe water damage has ruined the tiles.
The windows in the school and in the rectory are old and need to be repaired or replaced.
The rectory itself needs a lot of repairs. Not much was done over there for many decades. We need to get rid of the old carpets, fix some walls and update the bathrooms.
I am grateful to the Holy Name Society gentlemen who contacted me, offering helping hands. Thank you! But I know that to make the necessary changes possible, the parish will need the support from all of us and I am quite sure that we can all come together and help St. Gerald to move forward and make some necessary repairs.
So, I kindly ask you to consider donating to a special second collection for buildings and maintenance which will be taken once a month, to help us to do some necessary repairs around the campus. I am very grateful to all of you for your understanding and support. Dear Friends, you are always in my prayers! May the Holy Spirit guide and protect you on all your paths! And I hope you will find some time this summer season to enjoy the weather, to pray and rest a little.
May God bless you! Fr. Robert