Purpose: The hope for this clinic is to engage the student population at St. John's during the summer to build a faith-filled community and promote athletics and health in a positive tradional camp environment. The emphasis of the clinic will be on fun through movement.
Clinic Description; The clinic will be designed to engage athletes through a variety of different sports throughout the week. Athletes will learn essential skills and develop important character traits that reflect sportsmanship, teamwork, determination. Athletes will also learn the value of warming up, colling down, and dynamic and static stretching, etc. Athletes will be organized into teams based on age and skill level and will engage in different competitions throughout the week.
Time: Camp will be Monday through Thursday from 8:00 - 11:30
Dates: Monday June 16th through Thursday June 19th.
Cost: $65
Age: Clinic will be for rising 1st grade through 5th grade.
Location: Clinic will take place at St. Johns
About the Coach: The clinic is organized and run by Mr. Brian Houdek. Mr. Houdek is a certified teacher at Archbishop Spalding High School in Severn, Maryland and a parishioner of St. John's Parish. He has 9 years of experience teaching Theology and IB World Religions, and coaching both Track and Field and cross Country at Archbishop Spalding. He is a USATF trained coach and a former Division I track and field athlete at Mount St. Mary's University.
Coach Houdek is committed to providing athletes with the opportunity to excel and strive for excellence in all aspects of life. He values community, leadership, and puts an emphasis on haveing fun through movement.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out at