$75 for 75 Diamond Giving Campaign

$75 for 75 Diamond Giving Campaign

$75 for 75 Diamond Giving Campaign Donation


In celebration of our 75th Diamond Anniversary, we are launching a $75 for 75 Diamond Giving Campaign. This is our primary fundraiser running the entire anniversary year, ending with a celebration at the Field of Diamonds Picnic on July 12, 2025. We are asking each of our 2600 families to contribute $75 - one dollar for every year our parish has been inspiring each other and the community around us. If every family gives $75, we will raise $195,000! These funds will help to offset our current parish deficit of $155,000. Any remaining funds will help restore our depleted reserves and support our ministries and programs so we can continue to lift up each other and this community. Help us reach our 75th Anniversary goal of raising $195,000 by donating $75.

“Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11