Music Donation

( St Mary of Perpetual Help / All Saints-St. Anthony )

Music Donation

St Mary of Perpetual Help / All Saints-St. Anthony

Your tithing helps bring Jesus Christ to Bridgeport and beyond and helps to preserve this historic church building.

St Mary of Perpetual Help / All Saints-St. Anthony

Music Donation

Music Donation

Make a Contribution

Make a Contribution


Financial donations made towards our Parish’s liturgical music program are used to maintain and preserve our historic 48-rank 1928 Austin pipe organ, Opus 1602.  The pipe organ, just like any other mechanical device of its size, complexity, and age, requires regular preventative maintenance and tunings to keep it in top shape.  Your generous gift helps us keep this beautiful instrument in operation for the sole purpose of glorifying God and inspiring us to sing out His goodness.  Your financial stewardship also helps offset the cost of professional musicians and vocalists, who further enhance our worship of Our Lord and edify our prayer and praise of Him, from Whom all blessings flow. Thank you for your continued support towards our sacred music at Saint Mary of Perpetual Help.