Shrine Youth Ministry - Crossroads 6th-8th Grade Ministry
Join hundreds of other 6th-8th grade youth from all over the state to powerfully encounter Jesus. Anchor will feature national speakers, such as Catholic influencer Emily Wilson, Brian Greenfield, music by Encounter Worship, and Bishops from across Michigan. There will be plenty of fun, alongside opportunities for Mass, Confession, praise and worship, and prayer.
When: Saturday, March 15, 2025, from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm (includes travel: Conference itself runs from 9:00 am - 5:30 pm)
Where: Grand Rapids Catholic Central High School - 319 Sheldon Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Cost: $70.00 person (this includes: lunch, t-shirt and small breakfast on the way to the conference. Money for dinner on the way home will be needed.
Who: Both public and Shine School 6th-8th grade students. Parents are welcome to join as chaperones! Adults must have a background check within the last year and have completed Protecting God's Children.
Travel: We will meet at 6:30 am at the Shrine Grade School parking lot and leave for Grand Rapids soon afterwards!
Sign Up Deadline: Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Permission Slips + payment will be collected after sign-up.
Contact Brennan McHugh, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at the parish, at with any questions.