Ministry Building Elevator (even months)

( St Patrick (Havre de Grace) )

Category : February

Ministry Building Elevator (even months)

St Patrick (Havre de Grace)

St Patrick (Havre de Grace)

Category : February

St Patrick (Havre de Grace)

Ministry Building Elevator (even months)

Ministry Building Elevator (even months)

Make a Contribution

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Our Ministry Building is a home to our parish offices and meeting rooms for many groups and ministries. With the second floor acceessible only by stairs, some parishioners and vistors find it challenging to participate in the meetings that regularly take place on that floor. Installing a passenger elevator in our Ministry Building will greatly improve accessibility to the second floor, thus enabling those less mobile to fully participate in the parish life. 

The Elevator Project in the Ministry Building is now a part of the Phase II of our Grace Shared, Grace Multiplied Capital Campaign. Thank you for you support and your generosity!