Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation

( St Patrick (Havre de Grace) )

Category : Sacramental Preparation

Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation

St Patrick (Havre de Grace)

St Patrick (Havre de Grace)

Category : Sacramental Preparation

St Patrick (Havre de Grace)

Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation

Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation

Program Fee

Program Fee


Congratulations on your recent engagement!

St. Patrick's Church marriage preparation program encompasses two Saturdays. You are required to attend both sessions. Our next sessions will be held on July 12th and 20th, each from 9:30 am till 3:30pm. As you register, plesae complete all fields with the requested information.

We thank you in advance for coming and hope this will be a time that the two of you can pray together, grow and learn more about one another as you prepare for this very special time in your lives. Be assured of our prayers and best wishes as you prepare to confer upon each other the sacrament of matrimony!


  • St. Patrick Church (Parish Hall)
    650 Pennington Avenue
    Havre de Grace
