USCCB Pastoral Solidarity for the Church in Africa

( St Thomas More Catholic Church, LLC #248 )

Category : USCCB Special Collections

USCCB Pastoral Solidarity for the Church in Africa

St Thomas More Catholic Church, LLC #248

St Thomas More Catholic Church

Category : USCCB Special Collections

St Thomas More Catholic Church, LLC #248

USCCB Pastoral Solidarity for the Church in Africa

USCCB Pastoral Solidarity for the Church in Africa

Make a Contribution

Make a Contribution


The Church in Africa is joyous and faith-filled, but it also has unique pastoral challenges due to poverty, high rates of disease, food shortages, and migration. The Solidarity Fund is an opportunity for us, as a parish, to stand with the people of Africa. Our contributions support Catholic education, family life programs, and child protection initiatives that help strengthen and build the growing African Church.  No national date set, determined by the diocese.  You can donate up to one week beyond the collection date, and then the next collection date will be a year from now.

2025 Collection: July 13