Parent Effectiveness Training

( Our Lady of Perpetual Help )

Parent Effectiveness Training

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Parent Effectiveness Training

Parent Effectiveness Training

Make a Payment

Make a Payment


PARENT EFFECTIVENESS TRAINING (PET) starts Wednesday, January 22, 2025 and runs 8 consecutive Wednesdays thru March 19, 2025 from 6:30-9:00pm on the 3rd floor of the Parish Center. Please park in the parking lot which can be accessed off of Glenview Road.



To register, please enter the class dollar total for your family in the “Amount” box. Each family needs one textbook per family ($25 each) and one workbook per person taking the class ($35 each). If you have taken the class before, please purchase a new workbook for yourself.


After placing amount and frequency select “Add to my Gift Basket.”  If you are already giving on GiveCentral enter your User Name and Password to log in and confirm your payment. If you are new to GiveCentral, choose “Complete Profile” and follow the prompts. After you are logged in, please complete your payment information and follow the on screen prompts.


For any problems or questions about GiveCentral, please call (847) 729-2936.

For any questions about the class itself, please email at :



The cost of the class has been about $300 person, however OLPH would like to make this class available to every family who would like to take it. Therefore, this year we are offering the class for just above the cost of materials.  If you would like to make an additional donation to OLPH, that donation goes directly to OLPH and is fully tax-deductible. Please go to Sunday Giving to make a one time donation at Thank you for your support.



  • Our Lady of Perpetual Parish
    Conference Rm 1 (3rd Floor of Parish Center.)
    1775 Grove St.
    Glenview, IL 60025