Ash Wednesday Central and Eastern Europe Church
Ash Wednesday Central and Eastern Europe Church
Ash Wednesday Central and Eastern Europe Church Ash Wednesday Central and Eastern Europe Church

St Michael Poplar Springs

St Michael Poplar Springs

St Michael Poplar Springs

Ash Wednesday Central and Eastern Europe Church

Ash Wednesday Central and Eastern Europe Church
Ash Wednesday Central and Eastern Europe Church
Ash Wednesday Central and Eastern Europe Church Ash Wednesday Central and Eastern Europe Church

Appeal for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe

Appeal for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe


Your support for the collection is crucial to helping the Church fulfill its mission to minister to people’s spiritual and material needs in Ukraine and more than 25 other countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe, especially in times of serious hardship. More information about the collection and the range of projects it supports can be found at




  • 1125 St. Michael's Road

    Mount Airy
