Win-Win with GiveCentral's Auction Platform!

Learn how GiveCentral can help your next Auction and Special Event. We have more than 20 ways to help grow your event and build your donor base that no other tool can provide. Look below to see how we compare.

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Bidding Details

Auctions are fun and exciting fundraising events engaging guests with a competitive spirit. Your guests bid to win auction items; the highest bid wins the article, and your organization receives the proceeds. If you plan to host an auction, or if this is the first time you're hosting an auction, our platform is user-friendly and has everything you need to make your auction a huge success!

Set & Achieve Your Goals

We understand the unique goals of each organization, and everyone's goals are different. Online auctions allow you to reach a broad audience throughout your community while remaining cost-effective.

Easy to Bid in Seconds

Your donors are also consumers and are making many transactions online. 85% of them are on mobile devices. Donors expect giving online to be the same as buying goods. Buying goods online is not a 10-step process, and sharing should be optional. Giving must be accessible and efficient, or else it will cause donor friction.

At GiveCentral, we remove the donor friction by allowing you to create an auction with these features

  • Raffles, auction, paddle raise, and ticket sales
  • Able to recognize your donors and user-friendly for them
  • Bidding within seconds
  • Guest preregistration
  • Easy check out
  • Capable of adding dynamic photos and content
  • Advanced reporting post event

Our auction platform is also great for a fund-a-need. This type of fundraising event has the capacity to raise a significant amount of money where donors submit their funds towards a specific cause.

How Does GiveCentral Compare to Other Auction Platforms

Almost all auction platforms allow for online auctions, silent auctions and text bidding.

GiveCentral is
so much more!
  • Live auction bidding
  • Crowdfunding support
  • Real-time leaderboard
  • Customizable giving pages
  • Support for raise the paddle
  • One-click follow-up via text and email
  • Outbound texting to promote your event
  • Payment pre-authorization
  • Integrated communications which allow for one-click registrations
  • Integrated database support which will allow you to build relationship beyond your event with everyone who participates
  • Personalized support with GC SmartQR, GC SmartText, and GC SmartLinks
  • Mobile card reader
  • Mobile app
  • Android Integration
  • GooglePay and ApplePay support
  • Digital media links and QR
  • Best-in-Class pricing
  • Live customer service and training with GC SmartSupport
  • Customizable email templates to promote your event
  • Automated check-out - no line, no wait!
  • Integrated, personalized accounting support. Your donations will show up on the donor statement with your charity’s name, not a generic organization.

GC Auctions is so much more than a simple auction platform, it allows you to do comprehensive event planning all in one place. Auction tools often have three challenges that GiveCentral can help solve.


You want to do an auction, but you also want to support registrations, raise the paddle, live auction, and raffles all at the same time and with GiveCentral you can do this! We will share our expertise in making your event a huge success!


At most events only one third of the people coming to the event have registered. With GiveCentral you can now follow-up with 100% of the people to build a long term relationship. Even better, you can do this without having to type the auction event information into your database.


In person events are expensive to run and the best fundraising executives realize that it is critical to move from friend-raising to fundraising. After your event, you can follow up with your donors to become involved by sending in a prayer request, signing up as volunteers, supporting Giving Tuesday, and supporting Sunday giving all with one click.

Learn more about GiveCentral can help with your next Auction and Special Event

Fill out our form below and we'll contact you with more information.

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Office Location

512 Chestnut Street
PO Box #277
Winnetka, IL 60093-2400

Phone Number

Tel: (833) 716 - 2612
Fax: (312) 893 - 2038