Religious Education 2024-2025

Church of St. Mary - Lake Forest


Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your family's faith journey and in sharing in the formation of your child(ren)'s faith.

All fees (including a $55 administrative fee) are non-refundable and must be paid in full at time of registration. You may choose to pay all of your tuition and fees in full today, or select a monthly payment option for the tuition.  After you make your selections, using the options below, upon submission you will receive a transaction summary screen to confirm the amount you're paying today, with the opportunity to edit any errors or omissions before finalizing your payment. Email receipts will be issued for all payment transactions. Please note that in order to take advantage of the early registration discount, all fees and tuition must be paid by June 1, 2024. Any discounts given at the time of registration but balances not paid by the June 1st date will be adjusted.

Please note that the Family Fee of $55 has been incorporated into the Tuition portion - thus the increase in Tuition costs from last year.


  • First Communion: $65.00 /2nd year students only
  • Middle School: $85.00 /6th, 7th, & 8th grade student
  • Confirmation: $65.00 /8th grade students only
  • Catechist Book Fee: $30/student (For catechists/volunteers ONLY, do not pay if you are NOT a catechist/volunteer - this will be added at a later time)

Registration Discount Tuition Rates (Fees & Tuition must be paid in full by June 1st in order to receive discount)

  • One Child: $390
  • Two Children: $665
  • Three Children or more: $905

Please do the following if you are taking advantage of the early discount:

  • Select all the appropriate fees for your family
  • When selecting Tuition Amount, please type in the discounted Tuition Rate in the "Enter Other Amount" box. 

Regular Tuition:

  • One Child: $490
  • Two Children: $765
  • Three Children or more: $1005

Tuition is increased by $50 for Registrations received after August 12, 2024:

  • One Child: $540
  • Two Children: $815
  • Three Children or more: $1055

Tuition is waived for parents who serve as catechists or weekly volunteers; however, they are responsible to pay the Religious Ed fees and a $30.00 Book Fee per child in the program. For further information and training, contact Joy Pacheco at

Registrations will be completed once your family enrollment has been completed, Medical Form submitted, and 1/2 the tuition (or if you have selected the monthly payment option) is paid by the first day of class.

Families with outstanding balances from the previous year must complete payments before registering. An email will be sent from the Religious Education office confirming class placement after payment has been received.

Your information

Payment Information

Next you can easily make your payment using the selected digital wallet.

Religious Education Tuition & Fees Payment