VBS 2025

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Primary Information


I agree to the above Terms and Conditions

  • St. Joseph School - Fullerton and the Archdiocese of Baltimore has my permission to use and publish photographs, video or audio recording of my child, and to use my child's scanned / digital photograph, likeness, physical/image, voice and/or vocal talents, artwork, profile and/or written stories in any marketing/advertising materials, program materials, or other promotional materials produced, used by, or representing St. Joseph School - Fullerton or the Archdiocese including printed publications (such as yearbook, church bulletins etc.), brochures, posters, fliers, advertising campaigns (including featuring TV or radio broadcasts), web pages, outdoor billboards, and print advertising. I consent to the use of my child's physical image and/or vocal talents in the case of broadcast (TV, video, radio) interviews or filming. I grant and assign any and all right, title, and interests, including to ownership and copyright, in any of the foregoing works. I understand the circulation of the materials could be worldwide and I release any claim to or control over the foregoing works regarding their production, use or placement in said promotional or marketing campaigns/materials. 

Payment Information

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